From the National Archives Oral History catalog:
John Constance, whose storied National Archives career spanned 35 years from 1972 to 2007, begins his interview describing his internship in the Office of the Archivist when the National Archives was still part of the General Services Administration (GSA). He then joined the agency’s National Audiovisual Center, which was responsible for marketing and
distributing educational films to the public. John discusses the training received and his surprise run-ins with the rich and the famous. He then talks about his transition to Director of Policy and Program Analysis and eventually to Director of Congressional and Public Affairs. Along the way, he covers NARA’s independence from GSA; the agency’s first Inspector General; advocating for and obtaining agency appropriations; the financing of Archives II; fielding questions from Capitol Hill and the press; building personal relationships with Congress; working with the Kennedy family; and his appointment to the Senior Executive Service.
Read it here: