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Happy Birthday Pollyanna
Today is my birthday and I absolutely refuse to be discouraged. The gloomy predictions about the future of democracy, threatened violence...
Jun 25, 20233 min read

So long Ted
It was like saying goodbye to an old friend. I know. It’s silly to conflate fandom with friendship. But we were fans of the character...
Jun 9, 20234 min read

Yard Sale II (A Series)
photo courtesy of Deposit Photos A lifetime of holding yard sales has taught me a lot of lessons and this installment is a humorous...
Jun 4, 20238 min read

Passing of a Teacher
We just learned of the passing of our beloved Professor David L. Holmes. Hayden and I took New Testament from Mr. Holmes at the College...
May 30, 20236 min read

Yard Sale I (A Series)
Those who know me, know of my love for holding yard sales. I rarely stop at someone else’s sale. I have enough stuff, thank you. But...
May 26, 20235 min read

Skillful Retirement 101
I recently heard a TED talk that truly spoke to me. I actually heard it by accident. You know, when you are listening to one thing on...
May 18, 20237 min read

The saying in our family is “Reverse is not Dad’s best gear.” To that I must plead guilty. I have backed cars into brick walls, posts...
May 6, 20234 min read

Story of a Patriot
It was 1963 when I saw it for the first time. I was 13 years old and it had just turned six. I was on my first trip to Colonial...
Apr 21, 20237 min read

May I Have This Dance?
Cotillion instructor and student, Virginia, 1950's In my hometown of Catonsville, Maryland it was called Friday Assembly. In yours, it...
Mar 30, 20238 min read

Lady on the Corner
In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14), Jesus tells of the Pharisee who thanks God that he is not like the...
Mar 24, 20233 min read

Spring Training
Almost seventy-three years old. Lifelong baseball fan. Never attended a Spring Training game. Sad. That was me. Until this week. A...
Mar 10, 20236 min read

Don We Now Our Welsh Apparel
St. David's Window, St. David's Cathedral Happy St. David’s Day (Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus) * When you ask the Irish who is their patron...
Mar 1, 20232 min read

Hooray for Hollywood
My first real job out of college was with a division of the National Archives called the National Audiovisual Center. The director was a...
Feb 3, 20236 min read

Spiro ? Not My Hero
Toni Banks, Governor Spiro T. Agnew, John Constance at Baltimore Polytechnic High School. May 11, 1968 As I’ve mentioned before, I was...
Jan 28, 20235 min read

Hey, I'm Bald
I must truly thank Jerry Anderson for my years of freedom. He is a good friend from my Maryland years. He looked at my careful comb-over...
Jan 25, 20233 min read

Bullets, Buses, and Basketball
Gus "Honeycomb" Johnson playing above the rim against the New York Knickerbockers 1963 was a big year in Baltimore sports. The Baltimore...
Jan 20, 20237 min read

Sometimes practical jokes that seem hilarious for an instant are pretty stupid in hindsight. Hayden and I were in Williamsburg this past...
Nov 11, 20223 min read

St. Peter's Ditch
In the Book of Proverbs we read, “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”. It is a lesson I have relearned...
Oct 29, 202211 min read

Battle of the Bulge
The David after a one month Italian vacation My mom was very skinny. My dad was not. My DNA has been in a pitched battle between these...
Oct 21, 20227 min read

A Cold Evening in Camelot
My grandmother, Lillian Mackenzie Loeber, had one sister, Mary Clarke. Mary was married to Frank Clarke who, after the Great Depression...
Oct 5, 20224 min read
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